Volvo номер OEM: -
Подходит для:
Volvo Грузовики
FB86 Trailing wheel axle / Löpaxel,
F89, G89 6x2 Rear with disc wheels / bak skivhjul ch.6998-,
F7 6x2 Trailing wheel axle with disc wheels /
Löpaxel skivhjul ch.-19745,
N7 6x2 Trailing wheel axle with disc wheels /
Löpaxel skivhjul ch.-11549,
F10 6x2 Trailing wheel axle with disc wheels /
Löpaxel skivhjul ch.-20876,
N10 6x2 Trailing wheel axle with disc wheels /
Löpaxel skivhjul ch.-46315,
F12 6x2 Trailing wheel axle with disc wheels /
Löpaxel skivhjul ch.-22914,
N12 6x2 Trailing wheel axle with disc wheels /
Löpaxel skivhjul ch.-8779